Most college students stay up late every night. Some students will stay up late for a legitimate reason such as studying hard for a difficult test, or reading the next 100 pages of their assigned reading. However, some students will spend all night hanging out with friends or procrastinating in other ways. The main reason that college students fall asleep in class is that they do not allow themselves to get enough sleep at home. With the price of college steadily increasing every year, students have less and less of a reason to sleep in class.
You could also have time to finish your homework if you couldn’t the night before. This year on Wednesday, October 12 we took our PSAT’s and the seniors didn’t have to be at school until 11:30 in the morning because they didn’t have to take them. Instead they had to take the SAT’s but I don’t know the exact dates they would take them. I expected not to see any seniors in my classes that I have seniors in. But I was shocked to see all of them actually show up.
Studies have shown that young people brains work better in the afternoon even in the night. With school starting at 8:45am we don’t get enough sleep, with all the homework we have to do at night and all the outside activities we don’t get a chance to go to bed early and be ready to wake up early in the morning. If school started at around 10:00am which would give young people a bit of a sleep in and by the time we were at school we would all be woken up and ready to learn. The first two sessions of the day is the time we take to wake up, I know from experience that sometimes I just feel like I can’t remember a lot of what I learnt, it’s like it goes in one ear and out the other. By recess I’m fully awake and finally ready to learn.
It also causes the reaction time to slow down, sometimes behavior becomes unpredictable, ability to make decisions decline. People do not always know when they are not getting enough sleep and when you are deprived of sleep, you are craving sleep. My results from the sleep deprivation test were 11 points and I could not trace the star accurately with my nondominant hand. I also realized that I fall asleep after a lot of activities such as; watching TV, in class during lectures, eating heavy meals, within five minutes of me getting into bed. It’s also hard for me to wake up in the morning without an alarm clock, I struggle to get out of bed, and I hit my snooze button a lot of times.
A main cause of sleep deprivation is the start times of middle schools and high schools. Most schools start so early in the morning making it nearly impossible for teens to get the recommended amount of sleep and still wake up in time for school. As a result, sleep deprivation creates challenges that affect the daily lives of students. Starting schools later in the morning is a crucial factor in improving the performance of students inside and outside of the classroom. To begin with, sleep is extremely influential to a person’s daily routine and health.
But I’ll stop talking about how is school there. The start time may be good for some students who are having practice and they’re in a team. For the “normal” students may no be convenient at all, because in the mornings they want more sleep, some of the facts that may be considered to change the start time is that most student may do a lot better at school because they’re awake; there will be less sleeping in class, and the ones who fall asleep are the one that have a job and they can’t get enough sleep during the night. Students will be more active, happy and less dark circles. It may be convenient to the teachers too, they will have more rest after all the work during the day, and teachers happy and in a better mood will leave you less homework and the teaching techniques could involve more learning, more projects because you have energy.
I will tell you what you are enjoying now in middle school and how high school is compared to all the things you get to do. Before I entered high school, I had very little homework. I would come home after school at 5 pm. When I got home I would eat something and relax for 1 hour and then I would start my homework around 6 pm. Most times, it would take my 15-20 minutes to finish my homework.
Well, in a way they are in fact correct. According to the CSUN Schedule of Classes, the latest class on a Friday ends at 5:00 pm. However, for many weeks during the fall semester, it is in fact dark by 5:00, due to daylight savings. Then, there is the question of when it is not dark out. Well, there are many students that do not head straight home after classes end, like the student mentioned above.
In the survey that we have conducted it shows that 7 out of 10 students says that homework given on fridays doesn't affect their health and social life but even prepares them for the future. Homework on fridays also allows us to add or write more information on our projects because we have the time to research properly. Homework on fridays also helps us refresh our memories on our current topic.If we were given homework only on weekdays our homework will just keep piling and pilling up and more homework results to students to sleep at a late hour because they only have one night to answer all their homework and study for their tests scheduled the next day and not sleeping in a reasonable hour will damage the students health while if we were given homework on fridays we still have time to answer our homework and chitchat with our friends because one homework does not take 48 hours to answer and we get to sleep at a reasonable time. As our slogan says "Homework on fridays less work on weekdays".This says that if we have homework on fridays we will have lighter load of work and will have the time to study well for our quizzes. As you have hear in these facts that we have stated it shows that homework on fridays clearly has no negative effect on the student`s health and social life but may even have a positive effect.
Finally, another important thing I learned was that all my work needs to be turned in on time. I really don’t want to get backed up on school work. To begin, my fist year as freshmen in high school was a challenge during my first week or two. I was having trouble finding time to do my homework because every Tuesday and Thursday’s I had practice from 5 pm to 7 pm. At Lincoln, we had advisory every Tuesday and Thursday, which was very convenient for me.