If kids miss a day it will result in missing out on learning new things and they would need to make work up. Some students even have the opportunity to go to the nurse for being ill and miss out on school work which is not efficient learning. In conclusion, school should start later because there are many benefits and students would feel more alert throughout the day. Many students have a hard time waking up in the morning and would support the idea. School should start later in the morning because students need their rest, there are various benefits, and it would be a better learning experience for
I understand that some people feel that uniforms are a waste of time, but they can never tell anyone why. It seems as though whatever the schools try to do is always wrong. Students’ ability to get dressed in the mornings has become less and less of a hassle because they do not have to make big decisions on what to wear or what not to wear. The only decision they face is if it is hot or cold enough to wear pants, skirts, or shorts. I know that with my high school requiring school uniforms I was able to wake up an hour later for school.
Extending the school day may do more harm than good. Secondly, a major reason why the school day should not be extended two hours for students to get help on their homework is simply because of the fact that they do not all need it. Many kids like to work at their own pace and should have the option of getting help or not. Kids that need help go to after school tutorial, but the school should not enforce that all students must stay longer. Another reason to support this idea is because students do not always need two hours to do their homework.
One reason a student should receive extra credit to pass, is that they have trouble with that one specific subject. If you don’t understand something it’s hard to get it right on a test. Many tutoring services arn’t free, and some families don’t have the extra cash laying around. Some students after seeing there failing grade just completely give up. Teachers should give them extra credit they can still have a chance at passing the class.
In eliminating this time consuming task, students would have a lot more time to do more important things such as eating breakfast in the morning or doing homework. Also, think of all those hours at the mall trying to find the perfect thing to wear. With uniforms, you can spend that time visiting your Grandparents or doing something nice for a neighbor. Secondly, uniforms can make school safer because they can alleviate school violence and indignance based on the clothes the children wear. This would help kids with less money to elude the teasing they would get if they didn’t have uniforms.
Embedded Assessment Unit 2 Kyle Sullivan Period 4 L.A. 3/24/15 Are your kids coming home with a bunch load of homework? Yes, well I agree with you I’m in 7th grade and come home with a bunch of homework and it needs to stop. Kids should have less homework because we have seven hours of school, which means less family time, fun time and causes a lot of stress. We should have less homework because we have seven-hours of school five days a week but we have two months of break which is summer. On an online debate website, a student speaks out about thru experiences with homework communicating.” We kids nowadays have a lot of stuff to do.
Students might not be comfortable with the idea of YRS at first. Many students' first reaction is the "horrible" thought of "losing" their summer vacations. Really, no one is "losing" the time they get away from school; it is just being spread out over a longer period of time, which is in the students' own best interests. Although it might take some time many students prefer YRS to the standard calendar. "I thought it would be a bit boring, because
He brought up a good point that a lot of people wouldn't have thought of in terms of a student’s education. Now I do kind of disagree with Bruno with the fact that as the students who lag behind in high school will later lag behind in college. It's not like the students were told not to push themselves or to take the easy route, they decided to go down that road. Do homework for a hour and really make their paper great or rush it before class. A simple choice like that can make a total difference in whether they really learned something or if they cheated themselves.
Getting adequate sleep is another way to protect yourself from stress (Barefoot & Gardner, 2012). Lack of sleep can lead to anxiety, depression, and academic struggles. Sleeping good helps you relax and it also helps you study better. When I was in grammar school, my mother would make me go to bed earlier during ISAT testing. I always eat breakfast before I went to school, and I think that helped me focus better throughout the day.
I was able to spend the rest of the day doing homework, hanging out with friends, etc. But on some days, I don’t feel like going to class because I stayed up late the night before. But I am a morning person and I usually get up a 5 pm to run in the morning so starting English class at 8 A.M wasn’t very difficult for me. Being in a class at 8 in the morning affected my performance. On some days where I don’t get enough sleep, I don’t pay attention to what the professor say and I don’t do as good as I should when I’m fully alert.