Sacred Space Essay

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My Sacred Space The world is constantly changing, if we observe life long enough we notice that there will always be ups and downs and we could try to be on the surface of things but the reality is that there will always be change. The only thing that will allow us to go through change in a graceful way is if we are able to connect with our inner self. Connecting to our inner self is so much easier when we have an outer space that is aligned with peace and reminds us of the sacred, beauty, and grace that is within us. Sacred space may simply just be a space that you create for yourself that is yours and speaks to your heart. My sacred place is my bedroom, it is the perfect place for me to meditate because there isn’t a lot of foot traffic, that way it is just personal for me, I feel safer, and helps me with my own frequency and my own intentions. In my room there is a big window where I like to gaze outside because it is inspiring to just watch the leaves, the wind, and the activity outside which helps me to align with my natural state and rhythm. Since nature is living and breathing whenever I outside to observe it I am able to tune into my own natural state of balance and harmony. Nature is constantly moving up and down, and flowing, yet there is this peace in nature because there is no mental activity in the natural world, so it is only a reflection reminding us that the power is for us to drop into a state that is out of the mental shield of the body. With meditation I am able to get out of my mind, get out of the past and future to be able to discover the person that I really am. In my sacred space I always make sure to have a candle because it is a reminder of the light that is within me even though I may be facing many challenges, and sometimes finding myself in a dark place emotionally. I also have essential
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