Ruby Tuesday Code Of Conduct Analysis

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RUBY TUESDAY, INC. CODE OF BUSINESS CONDUCT AND ETHICS I. POLICY AND INTRODUCTION Ruby Tuesday, Inc.’s (“RTI” or the “Company”) vision is to provide great value to our guests and a great working environment for our Team Members by reflecting our core values of Quality, Passion, and Pride in everything the Company does. In keeping with this vision, the Company has adopted this Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (as amended, the “Code”) the purpose of which is to confirm RTI's commitment to conduct its affairs with the highest integrity. RTI expects that its employees, officers, and directors will adhere to sound business principles; comply with applicable laws, rules, and regulations; and be dedicated to high ethical standards. You are encouraged…show more content…
Environmental Compliance RTI is committed to eliminating hazards from the workplace and providing a safe and healthy work environment. As an employee, officer, or director of RTI, you must use RTI equipment, and handle, store, and dispose of hazardous materials and toxins, in accordance with applicable laws and RTI policy. E. Antitrust Laws Antitrust laws are intended to prohibit interference with fair competition. As RTI seeks to compete in a fair and open manner, it expects all employees, officers, and directors to abide by all applicable antitrust laws. You must never discuss or make agreements with competitors or others concerning past, present, or future prices, pricing policies, bids, discounts, promotions, or similar terms and conditions of sale. This includes formal agreements as well as informal “gentlemen’s agreements.” 2. Conflicts of Interest Employees, officers, and directors may not, directly or indirectly, engage in a conflict of interest. A “conflict of interest” occurs when an individual’s private interest interferes, or even appears to interfere, with the interest of RTI. A conflict can arise when (a) an individual takes actions or has interests that may make it difficult to perform his or her work objectively and effectively, or (b) an individual, or a member of his or her family, receives improper personal benefits as a result of his or her position with RTI. A. Business Courtesies A business courtesy is a gift, gratuity, hospitality, good, service,…show more content…
3. Proper Use of RTI Assets Employees, officers and directors are expected to use good judgment in the efficient utilization of RTI assets. The theft, misuse, or waste of any RTI property or services by an employee, officer, or director will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of your employment, and/or possible civil and criminal penalties. RTI’s assets must be used only for conducting RTI business. 4. Corporate Opportunities You are also required to promote RTI’s interests when at all possible. You must use RTI’s confidential and proprietary information only in connection with RTI’s business and for RTI’s benefit. You should never (a) use confidential and proprietary information or RTI assets for your personal benefit or gain, (b) compete with RTI, or (c) take opportunities that are discovered through the use of RTI property, information, or your position with RTI. 5. Fair Dealing All employees, officers, and directors of RTI should endeavor to deal fairly with all of RTI’s customers, suppliers and competitors, as well as other employees, officers, and directors of RTI. You should never take unfair advantage of these people through manipulation, concealment, abuse of privileged information, misrepresentation of material facts, or any other
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