Code Of Coduct

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CORPORATE GOVERNANCE ASSIGNMENT NO. 2 CODE OF CONDUCT OF THE COMPANIES Submitted to: Mr. S.K. Gupta SUBMITTED BY: DARSHITA ARORA 191022 FMG-19 SEC.Y CODE OF CONDUCT FEDEX The FedEx Code of Business Conduct and Ethics provides guidelines to ensure that our behavior on the job is ethical and supports the reputation FedEx has earned as one of the most admired brands in the world. FedEx is consistently recognized as among the best companies to work for in the U.S. and internationally. While the Code provides guidance for a range of workplace situations, the high standards that characterize our work environment can be summarized in a few simple principles. Respect for our customers We listen to customers and strive for workplace excellence that enables us to meet their needs and exceed their expectations. Respect for our colleagues We develop highly motivated and effective team members by fostering a safe workplace that values diversity and teamwork. Respect for our company We are accountable for how our actions reflect on the company’s reputation and for the prudent use of company resources. Respect for our communities We support the communities where we do business and act as responsible global citizens. MC DONALD’S McDonald’s Code of Conduct for Suppliers McDonald’s believes that all employees deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. In each and every aspect of the employment relationship, employers need to act towards their employees as they would themselves want to be treated. The 100% satisfaction of our internal customers – our employees – is essential to the 100% satisfaction of our external customers. Moreover, McDonald’s is committed to a policy of complying with the law wherever it does business, and to maintaining high standards of business conduct. As a result, McDonald’s has established a well-respected record
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