Room 154 Research Paper

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Room 154 Everyone has a place where no one is allowed to go. A place that makes them happy and feel at ease with everyone and everything. This place could exist in the comfort of their bedroom, underneath the warmth of their encompassing sheets, or under the steaming hot precipitation of the shower beating on their skin, or maybe even within the silence of a library. Interestingly enough, my place is imaginary. It is created by the movements my body produces while I am dancing. Dancing brings into existence a fictitious world that only I can enter. Coming here several times has shown me that the busy, combusted streets of New York and the congested amount of people, pushing their way past me to get to their destination all the time,…show more content…
Escape from the dirty streets and smelly buses. Escape from the loud traffic and annoying pedestrians. Escape to a place where all of this becomes void. Everyday, at around 5-9pm, I get the opportunity to redevelop this place. As I wait for the last class to exit studio 154, I lightly smile to myself, remembering that this beautiful room is mine for the next 4 hours. As I walk inside, my heart skips a beat while I am hearing the wooden floor creak beneath my dance shoes. My bag and radio makes a distinct thump as I place them down by the mirror and begin to prepare myself for another journey to this place. My place. The place where no one can go but me; then I start to sashay around the room. Its almost like Narnia; the key to enter is through the improvised notions my body generates through every dance routine. My muscles and limbs feel as though they disappear as I begin to move my body in positions it has never been before. My arms move like moist noodles floating in a bowl of hot, steamy soup and my legs almost feel deprived of the power of sensation. I feel as if I am floating as high as Peter Pan once was then actually on the floor of my dance studio. My heart rate begins to increase with excitement when I

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