Romantic Attachment Styles

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Romantic Attachment Styles By Sandra Michel Social Psychology | PSY310 A02 Instructor: Roger Belisle Attachment theory has been converted into one of the major frameworks for the study of passionate interaction. The affection theory was planned to put in plain words the affecting burden between infants and their caregivers. The theory states as many of the most intense emotions arise during the arrangement, preservation, the disturbance and the rejuvenation of add-on dealings. The arrangement of a connection is someone. In the same way, the threat of loss arouses unease and actual loss gives go up to sadness while each of these situations is likely to arouse anger. The unconcealed safeguarding of a union is qualified as a starting place of safety measures and the rejuvenation of a bond as a source of joy. Such emotions are more often than not a mirror image of the state of persons of fondness; the psychology and psychopathology of feeling are brought into being to be in large part the psychology and psychopathology of closeness (Kendrick, p. 23). The romantic attachment style best describes me as an individual. This is because I enjoy giving affection to others and vice versa. I also comprehend that relying on other people for help is part of life. I am content trusting others and being trusted by others for little things are worth it. I trust people quickly I appreciate it when someone confide in me. I am very compassionate towards them for trusting me. This attachment style has guaranteed that I have had few, but very stable relationships in the past which are more long term; this include my present relationship. I am considered a trustworthy person. I am often seen as someone that can be counted upon and an individual who values relationships a lot. Often my families and friends do feel that I see and take situation to the extreme,

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