Roles and Responsibilities in Life Long Learning

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Annette kenny Pttls Explain What You Understand By Inclusive Learning And Teaching In The Life Long Learning Sector . Inclusive learning is about involving learners in all teaching activity’s , treating them equally ,without indirectly or directly excluding anyone .Wilson (2008:296) defined inclusive learning simply as “available to all”.Tummons (2010:93) while agreeing with Wilson,defined it as the approach to learning and teaching that encourages the total participation of all learners. Morris (,2007:103) also suggests that you may need to alter the way ,you support and guide candidates, so they can achieve their full potentials. I can agree with the two and their suggestions are in line with Equality and Diversity Act 2010, Which provides the right for everyone to have the opportunity to reach their potential regardless of their gender,race,disability,age,sexual orientation. During initial assessment I would identify learners individual needs and take then into consideration when planning my lessons .An example of inclusion in a classroom setting could be to use learners names when talking to them , using eye contact and speaking to them , personally during and after each session .(Gravells,2012:18) Can create a conducive learning environment where everyone will feel included adapting assessment methods to suit and meet any particular needs for example , a visually impaired learner may have their information and assignment in braille , questioning done verbally so the learner can dictate answer,to select inclusive learning and teaching techniques. I will read the qualification syllabus and my organisations recommendations to develop a learning plan that will embrace all needs .The choice of techniques will be influenced by my experience , the learners and the environment where the learning will take place

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