Rise to Prominence of Albert Speer

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Describe the rise to prominence of the personality you have studied (10 marks) Albert Speer’s rise to prominence took place between 1931 and 1946, beginning with him joining the Nazi Party and his rise ending with his condemnation at the Nuremberg trials, however, he has remained prominent to today as a result of his work for the Nazi Part and for the manner in which he conducted himself at his trial. Speer’s decision to join the Nazi Party did not lead to his immediate, fully-fledged involvement in party affairs. Speer’s part work extended no further than driving party members around to meetings and rallies. However, Speer’s fortunes changed when he made the acquaintance of Karl Hanke. Hanke gave Speer the job of redecorating the headquarters of a district branch of the Nazi Party, Grunewald Villa. Speer’s design of a bright red vestibule and yellow office walls raised a few eyebrows. In the summer of 1932, Hanke offered Speer the job of redecorating Goebbels’ headquarters in Voss Strasse and in March 1933 he again invited Speer to visit Berlin and offered him the job of redecorating Goebbels’ new ministry building. Speer won plaudits for his work and soon his life was entering a new sphere. Speer was quickly beginning to impress the Nazi Party leadership, including Hitler himself. After his stunning design for the 1 May Tempelhof Field Night Rally, Speer was appointed Commissioner for the Artistic and Technical Presentation of Party Rallies and Presentations. As well as receiving commissions to plan party events, Speer was also in demand for his more usual works. He was given the job of redecorating Goebbels’ home and adding a new hall. Speer’s work received admiring comments, including from Hitler, who began a close relationship with Speer, appointing him as Paul Troost’s, Hitler’s chief architect, assistant. Speer gained a further appointment as head of the
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