Rhetorical Analysis - Axe Body Spray

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Advertising is a form of communication for marketing and used to encourage, persuade, or manipulate an audience (viewers, readers or listeners; sometimes a specific group) to continue or take some new action. Most commonly, the desired result is to drive consumer behavior with respect to a commercial offering. Advertisements are all over the place. Whether they are on TV, radio, or in a magazine, there is no way that you can escape them. They all have their target audience, who they have specifically designed the ad for. This is a multi billion-dollar industry and the advertisers study all the ways that they can attract the person’s attention. The premiere body scents that the AXE Company comes out with are full of sexual tenacity, which draws in men and women who see their commercials. Surely no one mentions "mating" more than marketers at Axe, the men's grooming brand whose racy advertisements promise young men that women will find them irresistible if they use their products (Newman). AXE is a body spray that is heavily advertised in today’s society. We have all heard the phrase, “sex sells,” and undoubtedly seen it work. Axe body spray has become an object that exemplifies sex to young adult males and creates a sense of confidence to those that use the product. "Axe is all about being a guy's wingman and helping him as he navigates the mating game," said Mike Dwyer, a marketing director at Unilever (Newman). The advertisement for this analysis is one that tries to sell a body fragrance from AXE called dark temptation. This advertisement begins with a young adult that’s up in the morning and prepares to venture out into what looks like a large, heavily populated, metropolitan city. Before the young man goes out though, he confidently applies a couple sprays of Axe Chocolate to himself. When he looks away from the mirror to apply the fragrance he then looks

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