Lynx Legend Analysis

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Lynx legend deodorant ad analysis Lynx is a body care brand focusing on deodorants and shower gels, it is the front runner In male body care products mainly due to its marketing and advertising which is often humorous. Its prime audience is an A3 audience, young males particularly single males their target audience in every ad is the same as they produce for a niche market. The advert would be focused on mostly aspirers and hedonists. They do this by showing normal average guys who are then using Lynx and having great success with young attractive females, this draws in the attention of aspirers as they want to have the best to look good in front of everyone and also appeals to hedonists as using Lynx will help them with the opposite sex on a night out. The Lynx legend act persuades its audience to purchase the product by starting the ad with loads of women in bikinis swimming, running and climbing through a sandy beach In the sun to a unknown place. This immediately grabs the attention of the male viewer as they will start to think I wish I was there and they start to question where the women could be going. Whilst this is happening there is tense music in the background, which increases in speed, as they get closer to their destination. This starts to build up to a climax and once the music comes to its climax, a mans face is revealed looking ecstatic and in awe at all the females that are coming towards him. The man is just an average guy and Lynx have purposefully done this to show the audience that anyone can use Lynx and it will be effective. The audience then starts to think I want to be that man and be flooded with girls and therefore they feel they should buy Lynx. All of the women have determined faces and are clearly in competition to get to the man first as they are jumping over each other, pushing each other out of the way and even falling

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