Res 342 Week 2 Individual

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Course: RES / 341 Assignment: Week 1 - Current Business Research Project Paper Define the business research and its purpose: Information is a big part of all organizations and with technology that information is readily available to the entire team. It is important for a manager to pick out the individuals who know the specific information requirements. With information technology all of this information is available to everyone on the team making the team dynamic different and working with teams important. The purpose of the business research in “The Impact of Information Technology and Transactive Memory Systems on Knowledge Sharing, Application, and Team Performance: A Field Study” by Young, Heeseok, and Youngjin focuses on transactional memory systems effect on teams (2010, p. 855). Explain the business problems under investigation: The business problem that many organizations would face was the limitation of knowledge that could pass within a team and between departments. With an organization managers were the only pivot point of information between departments limiting what a team could accomplish. Describe the data collection methods used in the research project: This case study was conducted by administering surveys to two major corporations where they have “well-developed knowledge management tools and practices” (Young, Heeseok, & Youngjin 2010, p. 859). The administration of the surveys was split into two categories, team members, and team leaders. The information was voluntary and collection was made possible through email. What did the researchers conclude as a result of their research? As a result of the research conducted by Young, Heeseok, and Youngjin (2010), found that Information Technology plays a role in the development of Transactive Memory Systems and team performance. Both companies survived provide a clear use of
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