Res 320 Survey

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Week Four Assignment RES/320 October 7, 2013 Week Four Assignment The purpose of this study is to determine how comfortable females are with their body versus males whose body types are similar. This short questionnaire was developed due to a study that indicated females view their bodies quite differently than men. Fallon and Rozin determined that both men and women erred in estimating what the opposite sex would find attractive. Results suggest that, overall men’s perceptions serve to keep them satisfied with their figures, whereas women’s perceptions place pressure on them to lose weight (Fallon, Rozin, 1985.) The following study continues on this study to determine the local view of women and men’s perception of their body. Participant’s answers were carefully calculated and analyzed to determine the validity and reliability of the survey. The development of the questions took time and consideration for the individuals being surveyed. It was important during the research process to ensure that the participants felt comfortable with answering the questions honestly and truthfully. It was felt that the best way to manage this would be to conduct the survey one on one with the participants. This allows communication and interaction between the surveyor and participant. The duties of the interviewer during the questionnaire are to ask the survey questions, document the responses of each individual participant, explain any questions that the participant may be confused about, and most importantly, make the participant feel comfortable answering the questions honestly. The survey participant was also provided instructions before taking the survey detailing the intentions of the survey. This allowed the participant to prepare themselves for the specific type of questions that would be asked. The survey consisted of the following 7 questions. Survey
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