Reflection on Male and Female Social Problems

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Chapter 9 It is a well-known fact that women and men have always differed from one another greatly in society. Though some think the division between men and women is purely physical and based on biological factors such as genetics, the true differences between men and women lies in the brain. Stereotypes about women suggest that all women are overly sensitive, emotional, and talkative. On the other hand, stereotypes about men suggest that all men are rigid, non-emotional, tough, and introverted. According to research, both men and women also differ in the styles of relationships they maintain in same sex friendships. For women it is believed that friendships are formed through dialogue. It also believed that women form bonds with one another because gender socialization. However, men believe that talking is only one way of forming bonds with one another, and that there are other options to choose from in initiating and building relationships. Men are also known to connect to one another through exchanging favors with one another, and by teasing and playing with one another, which backs up the stereotype of men being tough and introverted. As we focus on these different findings one can begin to wonder if men and women are even capable of maintaining a genuine friendship with one another with such vast differences dividing them; In order to answer this question I will give my personal opinion on the gendered styles of friendship between men and women, focusing on tension 1 and tension 2. There are two different forms of tension that go along with the subject of gendered styles of friendship between both men and women. These forms of tension suggest that these issues are what make it impossible for men and women to have a simple friendship with one another. The first form of tension is referred to as “tension 1”, and focuses on the notion that women and men may
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