Sexism In The 1950's

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SO 210 Social Institutions Park University From: Albert Gaytan Abstract My paper will be about Sexism, how it was years ago and how it is now in this day and age. You will see how it’s transformed and determine on whether or not it’s changed. This paper will take you back to the days in World War II and how sexism was in those days, and be able to compare it to now a day in all aspects of our lives. Sexism We’ll begin to give the example of just how long sexism has been around. Eve was unfairly blamed from the Garden of Eden. With this said, we will begin with how Sexism…show more content…
These struggles are hardly far from over. American Gender roles and sexism can be defined as a social identity consisting of a role a person is to play because of their sex. There is a variety in male and female roles, making it impossible to define gender by the term male and female. Gender is defer significantly by culture to culture. Anthropologists conducted studies to ascertain the range of behaviors that have developed to define gender and their forces at work in the creation of these roles. The role of women in American society was conditioned by religious attitudes and conditions that succeeded through much of America’s history. Europe and American culture was based for centuries on a male-controlled system which allowed ownership of the female by a male was considered important, in which case the woman regulated to the role of a possession with no voice of their…show more content…
Additional differences between men and women are that they differentiate as they often inhabit different social roles as well as occupational. Finally, sexual reproduction is a biological constant that is ultimately related to men and women being different since a woman is defined as childbearing and child rearing (Eagly, 1987) and promotes intimacy between the men and women. Furthermore, men often employ their power over women as well as their sexual relationships, which at times women counter power through sexuality by using sexual attractiveness to control the man. Therefore, concerns about power and the differences regarding the sexuality are bound together. Modern context in where social movement and increasing gender and equality threaten the traditional male dominance may be directed on those woman who challenge the power of a man and the status (e.g. career women), as well as towards women who are alleged as using their sexual appeal to gain power over men. However, sexual reproduction and the dependency and intimacy that man have on women and the domestic fulfillment of women. These roles create a dependency and intimacy between the two counterbalances the sexist hostility with a subjectively benevolent view of women. As per the 22-item ambivalent sexism Inventory (ASI; Glick & Fiske, 1996) initiated and validated in six
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