My research will try to explain and discuss the differences in spiritual as well as cultural situations between men and women gender roles. Hopefully I will give the understanding of why woman have to obey the man in spite of the spiritual hierarchy and why woman continue to play the subservient role there. Gender roles differ in all parts of the world. These pivotal elements of obedience derived from a patriarchal society that expects women to play the subservient position. Is it fair for women to have the same rights as men?
In other parts of the world sexism is more prominent because males have dominant roles over women and therefore look down upon them. Not only is there sexism, but there is ambivalent sexism which is defined as sexism directed against women based on both positive and negative attitudes (hostility and benevolence) rather than uniform dislike. To better understand ambivalent sexism I took a test that would rate my hostile and ambivalent sexism. The Ambivalent sexism inventory measure how sexist you are towards men and women. My scores from this test were quite surprising to me.
Discuss the issue of gender bias in psychology Gender bias is looking at one particular gender and considering it as the normal gender. There is a large problem with psychology being seen as gender bias in favour of men, often devaluing women or simply ignoring them in their studies. An example of this is Asch, who only looked at male students, meaning that his findings can’t be generalised to women. Aristotle viewed women as a deformity in terms of both physiology and biology. Kitzinger (1988) believes that questioning whether women can do certain activities such as going to university or having certain positions in government are often used for political reasons to save men’s jobs or protect them from losing face to an inferior woman.
04. Feminism is a structuralist theory. There are several versions of feminism but common theme throughout them all is that they argue that society is patriarchal, i.e. society is male dominated and all institutions serve and maintain male dominance. Feminists do however disagree on the extent of patriarchy in society and what need to happen to create gender equality.
You also see men, having the dominance in relationships from time to time, saying that they have the pants in the relationship. Basically, that they hold the say on what happens. It is stated in “The War on Men” that, “So if men today are slackers, and if they’re retreating from marriage on masse, women should look in the mirror and ask themselves what role they’ve played to bring about this transformation.” This shows that, females should stand up for themselves, and change the relationship for the better, that the male shouldn’t have all the dominance. Females should too have a say in this, and show that they have dominance in the relationship as well, since a relationship should be an equal say on both
In a patriarchal society or religion, moods and motivations decide that women are psychologically depend on the male authority. Women have long been forced to believe in male power, therefore, the mood of trust in male power has been formed. As a result, the mood becomes motivation that direct women's behavior in the society. That is why in a patriarchal society, women act as subordinate to men in social and political fields. In the next section, Christ discusses the four meaning of Goddess symbol.
Men are more inclined to be goal -oriented using assertive strategies to establish power and status. On the other spectrum, females are thought of as more sensitive, in touch with their own and other’s feelings, supportive, inclusive, and inferior when interacting with males. In “Sex, Lies and Conversation,” Deborah Tannen breaks down why couples tend to have communication issues. A shared issue women commonly face is the feeling that,”…intimacy is the fabric of
Examine the patterns of, and reasons for, domestic violence in society (24 marks.) Domestic violence against women by men is 'caused' by the misuse of power and control within a context of male privilege. Male privilege operates on an individual level to maintain a situation of male dominance, where men have power over women and children. Offenders of domestic violence choose to behave abusively to get what they want and gain control. Their behavior often comes from a sense of entitlement which is often supported by sexist, racist, homophobic and other discriminatory attitudes.
This is argued to be the source of aggression by evolutionary theorists. Daley and Wilson state as a result of sexual jealousy and female infidelity, males have evolved numerous mate-retention strategies which deter their mates from leaving or committing infidelity. Shackelford et al. found in his 2005 study that males have two main mate-retention strategies; inter-sexual negative inducements such as damaging their female partners self-esteem for looking at another man to prevent cuckoldry. And also direct guarding which can be shown by a male monopolising the female’s time at a party which also prevents infidelity and cuckoldry.
The two characters in these two poems have a certain attitude towards women, which is that they both see women as objects but in different ways. The Duke in "My Last Duchess" is an arrogant, disrespectful man, who cares more about status and wealth then love. He is a megalomaniac, who is jealous about his ex-wife not giving only him her attention. The speaker in "To His Coy Mistress" seems like a respectful man, who is articulate, this is important because it is his main strength which he uses to lure her to him. He uses his skill to flatter her, but we then learn that he only wants her for pleasure rather than love; he puts up a false persona of love as another technique to lure her.