Reasons for Attending the Dlc and My Choice of Diploma

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Reasons for attending the DLC and my choice of diploma Making sure your child is healthy. Keeping your child safe. Helping your child to enjoy and achieve. Helping them to make a positive contribution. Assisting them toachieve an economic well-being. All these to some people may be common sense, but to other families they may need extra support. This is when social workers will intervene. Social workers work together to improve the lives of children, young people and their families. Their aim? Making sure families are able to provide their children with the above factors and able to fulfil their full potential. As an administrator for a team of social workers, I know their job can be emotionally difficult and demanding whilst they hold a very heavy work load. I have witnessed the social workers take call after call. Attend meeting after meeting, and visit home from home. Despite the above, social working is a selfless job, with only the child in mind. Social workers make a positive impact on a child’s life, giving the child the life they should have. Social working has advanced especially within the last decade. The tragic death of Victoria Climbie, who was tortured by her carers, lead to a major changes in child protection policies in England. In 2003/2004 the government launched the Every Child Matters (ECM) scheme and The Children’s Act 2004. Baby Peter Connolly (also known as Baby P) has also paid the ultimate price. Death. This has me questioning, were the right people entering the profession for the right reasons? I know throughout my training, I will work extremely hard to become the social worker the children deserve and need. With more caring, altruistic and dedicated people coming into the profession we can minimise the deaths and risks of children when under our intervention. Working with vulnerable children will be assiduous,

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