It will help me to better prepare myself for study time and building my reading skills up. With me starting with previewing first, I will be able to summarize what the materials are focused on, and allow me to begin to mentally jot down notes and important facts pertaining to each chapter I read. I am more confident that I will be able to accomplish my reading goals now that I have a stable plan in place! Before, concentration was a huge barrier for me because of the many distractions I have around me. However, I realize how actually having strategies in place will help me do better in my future reading and studying
I am look forward to learning more about communication skills in this class. Learning that communication is more then the way one talks to other but also the way ones face expression and their body
I have always leaned toward being self-employed and now I know that is within my reach! To improve my learning style and make adjustments to be successful in my studies I will need to broaden my horizons. By becoming more of a people person and interacting with classmates in discussions
You should: – make sure that your spelling, punctuation and grammar are accurate so that your meaning is clear – use a form and style of writing that suits your audience and what you are writing about – organise what you write so that it is clear and understandable, using specialist ICT terms when relevant. Information ! The conversation between Chrissie and Alex is available as a vodcast for you to view. Your teacher will let you see it. M/JunXX/XXXXX/CB XXXXX/CB 2 Overview of what you have to do !
I believe that the link between my learning style and effective study is that I being a naturalist need to be able to organize and label everything so I can know how to find things and easily. This comes in handy for effective study since I will always need to go back and reference my notes. Having them organized really helps and saves a lot of time on my assignments and when a quiz is taken.
I have learned how to evaluate these sources effectively in order for them to support my work. Knowing the motive behind the page and its information will help me judge the credibility of its content in the future. I now know how important it is to use the same evaluation techniques for internet sources as I would for a book or journal article. I have discovered the importance of acknowledging the work of others, and now have a clear understanding of how an online source is used, whether it be scholarly or non scholarly. I now have more confidence in terms of using online literature as a part of an assessment.
Service Users would be able to benefit from my learning process because any mistakes I made I would be able to learn from them for the future. As I personally developed I would be able to provide service users with the knowledge they are safe and that I was well practiced and capable of carrying out required tasks by them. more. Middle My peer group would also benefit from my learning process as I would be able to provide feedback on the ability to complete tasks better next time; I would be able to offer provisional planning on advancing both my learning process and theirs. This refers to Kolb's learning theory, stage four - abstract conceptualisation.
These traps include “ritualistic listening”, accusations described as questions, “why” questions, “not” questions, “I understand” responses and “yes but” responses (p 115-121). According to Petersen (20070 we use these traps almost mindlessly in our daily conversations and that once we recognize and change, we can become effective listeners. He also provides thirty different techniques for the reader to use to improve our listening skills. He recommends that the reader implement one or two at a time and as they become comfortable, add additional techniques one or two at a time. The final two sections show us how to use the Talker-Listener card tool in group and family settings.
You would also learn to communicate very well with your fellow students and professors. The result, going to school online would be very beneficial for someone who is looking for flexibility, a good education, and would like to learn how to communicate well with their fellow students and professors. Compare/Contrast Essay: Online Education and On – Ground – Education If you are considering college, would you go to school online, or on – ground or traditional college? Many people are faced with this question every day. There are many reasons to choose online and many reasons to choose traditional.
Assignment 1.3 – Explain ways to embed elements of functional skills in your specialist area. The functional skills that I incorporate into my lessons are Numeracy, Literacy and Information and Communication Technology. I include these skills to allow the learners to progress in education, training and in future employment. As the courses I deliver are sport based I plan the literacy skills around the learners taking notes during the lesson, completing worksheets and writing sport session plans this enables the learners to practice their handwriting, spelling, grammar and presentation skills. Seeing as a number of our students prefer to use computers to produce work I take the opportunity to add in the ICT functional skill into the work and tasks they have to complete.