Raegan "A Time for Choosing" Analysis

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Ronald Raegan, the former movie star, spokesman for General Electric, yet to be Governor of California and later the President of the United States spoke on behalf of Barry Goldwater's presidential run in 1964. The speech was entitled "A Time for Choosing", and noted many important points that Raegan believed needed to be addressed and put into action in order for this country to not only respect the doctrines of the founding fathers of the United States of America, but also were important for a successfully run country. His thesis was to the point, and though Raegan was not in a power, or decision making role when he spoke to at the Republican National Convention in San Francisco, he quoted that "the issues of this election are the maintenance of peace and prosperity". His speech introduced himself to the Republican Party and laid the foundation of his political beliefs. He touched on things such as a smaller government, the idea of a government that seeks to help, rather than control the people and to further maximize the United States people's freedom and protection in general. This speech would later help him in gaining the role of the Governor of California, and the President of the United States. In regards to the analysis of Reagan's "A Time of Choosing", the speech will be broken into nine parts starting with setting, speaker analysis, speech purpose, audience, breaking down the speech (what is said), how is it said, if the speech is successful, and what the speech says about the culture that produced it. The setting of the speech literally takes place at the Republican National Convention in San Francisco but according to one of Aristotle's three rhetorical settings of deliberative, forensic and epideictic, the speech is deliberative. A deliberative speech takes place in a government or debate setting. Raegan is supporting Goldwater's

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