Racism During Civil War

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Racism during the Civil War Racism has always been enforced, since the beginning of the world to nowadays. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, racism is defined, as a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities. Racism is a specific form of prejudice, which involves prejudicial attitudes towards members of an ethnic group. Racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race. Sadly, some individuals believe that another person is less human than them. Some of the most common causes of racism are skin, color, language, customs or place of birth. Racial prejudice deals with terrible and hostile pre-judgments, opinions, and actions towards a race. Moreover, racism has some devastating effects. It can destroy a person’s self esteem, community cohesion and even creates divisions in society. Racism has influenced wars, slavery, the formation of nations and legal codes. In addition, racism has been used as a powerful weapon encouraging fear and hatred of others in times of conflict and war. For this reason, during the Civil War, a huge presence of racism existed. One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest shows the different types of racism present during the Civil War. During the Civil War, Africans Americans were treated as slaves, thus people were racist against them. Although slavery was phased out of existence in the North, it was expanding on the South. The majority of the slaves worked on large cotton plantations, but many other slaves worked to produce tobacco, hemp, corn, and livestock. In other words, Africans Americans were obligated to work on the plantations for many hours. They also worked at a variety of skilled trades and as common laborers. Not only they were forced to perform menial tasks in support of white fighting units, but also they were paid at a lower rate than white troops, if paid at all. A
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