R&R Case

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R&R Case Q1. What factors created the opportunity? Reiss had past experience in running a company which made games, so he knew what factors will work in his favor. He had good knowledge of the products life cycle. Other factors that contributed in creating the opportunity were the popularity of the trivia game “Trivial Pursuit”. Reiss understood that soon the game manufacturers in the US will also look to come up with their own versions of the trivia games. The presence of a huge market in the United States also provided a great opportunity for game developers. The interest shown by the wholesalers and retailers was important in creating the opportunity. His idea of designing a trivia game on television provided Reiss with large number of prospective customers because of the high number of hours that an US family spent in front of the television (7 hours). Reiss also had good contacts in the industry which made him confident in pursuing the idea. Q2. What were the barriers and risks that Reiss had to overcome? The barriers and risks were as follows: 1. The presence of a hugely popular trivia game, made it necessary for Reiss’s concept to be very interesting to the customers. 2. The game had to be marketed through a medium which had a wide reach. So Reiss had to convince the TV guide to join hands with him in the venture. 3. Very little time available for developing and rolling out the game. 4. Arranging finances 5. Sourcing the materials required. 6. Providing for the mail order service. 7. Selling the product. 8. Promotional activities after launch . Q3. How did he overcome them? He came up with an idea of designing a trivia game on television, which he was sure, would be of wide interest in the United States. He partnered with the TV Guide to carry the promotional activities. He convinced them by
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