Special Effects Person

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Becoming a Special Effects Technician takes lots of hard work and creativity. I have always enjoyed the idea of animation and the technology that can allow a person to create amazing graphics. Even though this job is very time-consuming, I enjoy being inventive, and am willing to take more than four years of college to experience the wonderful world of Graphic Design. I have had experience in the past with Windows Movie Maker, using it to edit my cousin’s YouTube videos. While reviewing this work at first for enjoyment, I soon began to develop an interest in video editing, which then led to a love for animation. Special Effects began during the early 1990s, making a huge change in the way we saw movies. Computer Design has revolutionized cinema viewing at an extraordinary pace, that “In 1977 the first Star Wars movie amazed moviegoers with heretofore unimagined special effects, but by the 1990s technology had advanced so rapidly that the movie seemed dated and amateurish” (McConnell 1). Becoming a Special Effects Technician requires many years of training and education, on-the-job learning skills, and many long hours of work spent applying originality to the animation. To me, it is well worth the time and effort. Most professions in this zone require training in vocational schools, related on-the-job experience, or an associate’s degree. During school, students learn about digital sound, editing, photography, fine arts, cinematography and, of course, film/video production. Some personal attributes that one should have when applying for this job are creativity, innovativeness, and the ability to turn an idea into reality. Unfortunately, there are some pitfalls of this job. “Most production work—including special effects—is performed by independent experts or special effects companies, and most of the work goes to people who are already well known within

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