Ptlls Unit 08

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CHRIS PTLLS ROLES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND RELATIONSHIPS IN LIFE LONG LEARNING Roles, responsibilities, relationships and boundaries are evolving qualities within the teacher which are assessed and reflected upon using the teaching/training cycle; a cycle of assessment of needs, planning, facilitating, assessing and evaluating. The starting point for the teacher is to identify the needs of the student, an initial assessment together with previous education records will identify the student’s level of knowledge, and it will also give an accurate representation of the level of support they may need, highlighting any medical needs such as hearing or sight impairment. Identify strengths and weaknesses and find any transferrable skills the students may have. Teachers must facilitate opportunities for the students to learn, by planning lessons, having adequate materials and knowledge of the subject matter, delivering lessons which not only meet the needs of the students but also the requirements of the course. Keeping up to date in your chosen field, attending regular training, maintain continuous professional development and continuing high standards of work and conduct thus complying with legislation and organisational codes of practice. It could be argued that students’ have the responsibility to keep themselves safe and free from harm in the learning environment, and to a certain degree, they must take some of this responsibility, but as Minton (1991) stated ‘As a teacher your responsibility for the safety of your students is a legal requirement’. This puts the onus right back to the teacher to create a safe learning environment, and along with this comes the responsibility of adhering to legislation and legal requirements for health and safety laid down by the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, being mindful of
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