Propaganda in Our Kid’s Life

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Everyday kids are getting sucked into doing something they don’t want to do or they buy things they do not need. We have to thank this ripple to today’s propaganda techniques. Our world revolves around advertisements and the media and it hasn’t had the best effect on us or our kids. We willingly leave wide open our homes to the advertisers. The are three main techniques usually focus to our kids which are: Glittering Generalities, Plain Folks and Repetition. With their seductive techniques, brainwash our innocent kids. Propaganda refers to any persuasive technique, whether in writing, speech, music, film, or other means that attempts to influence the opinions, emotions, attitudes, or behavior of a group for the benefit of the person or organization using it. Propagandists try to put across an idea, good or bad, rather than discovering the truth though reasoned argument and persuasion. The goal of a propagandist is to mold opinion or behavior to support their cause without concern for the interest or benefit of the audience. Glittering Generalities: This technique uses important-sounding "glad words" that have little or no real meaning. These words are used in general statements that cannot be proved or disproved. Words like "good," "honest," "fair," and "best" are examples of "glad" words. For example, Lucky Charms, “They are Magically Delicious”. The idea behind this propaganda is to relive one’s youth through cereal consumption Plain Folks: This technique uses a folksy approach to convince us to support someone or something. These ads depict people with ordinary looks doing ordinary activities. For example, 3M Command Strips in which a regular mom complaints about messy rooms as a “Kids room could be messy but not anymore. Thanks to Command products.” Consequently, this propaganda sends a subjective message. By using a regular person, makes you think that

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