Case Study: Password Management Strategies For Safer Systems

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Case Project 6-2: An employee suspects that his password has been compromised. He changed it two days ago, yet it seems that someone has used it again. Since the employee suspects his password has been comprised, I would assume someone has access to the machine either physically or remotely and using a password authentication scheme or spyware such as a key-logging program in order to gain access to his information. I would ensure the anti-virus software is up to date, and then run the anti-virus software to check for any viruses, worms, or Trojans. If the anti-virus software does not contain anti-malware software, I would load the software program and check for any malware. After checking the computer for any viruses or malware, I would have the person change his password.…show more content…
Hackers find it immeasurably easier to decipher encrypted passwords that are not salted using rainbow tables, rather than those that have had a salt string attached. “Once a hacker realizes your system uses salted hashing, he or she probably will move on, searching for a system not protected by salt” (Leon, 2009). The company should create a password policy that defines what the company will accept as password values (Dulaney, 2009). The password policy can enforce password history, maximum password age, minimum password age, minimum password length, password must meet complexity requirements, store passwords using reversible encryption, account lockout policy, account lockout duration, account lockout threshold, reset account lockout counter after (Dulaney,

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