Unit 3 Assignment 1: Analyzing the Critical Security Control Points

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Unit 3 Assignment 1: Analyzing the Critical Security Control Points The following is a listing of security control points that any company should look at as necessary areas for precaution and care. Information covered by each area will be what each area consists of, how it strengthens the company security and what could happen if these areas are not properly maintained. 1. Inventory of Authorized and Unauthorized Devices and Software – a listing of processes and tools used to track/control/prevent/correct network access by devices and software. Attackers are always looking for devices and software that are newly added to a system and not updated correctly with the security measures in place already. This is the door they look for to get in. A method to avoid such opportunities is to deploy an automated asset inventory discovery tool and use it to build a preliminary asset inventory of systems connected to an organization's public and private network. This will help make the system capable of identifying any new unauthorized devices that are connected to the network within 24 hours, and of alerting or sending e-mail notification to a list of enterprise administrative personnel. Without such a tool in place an attacker will use the unpatched device or software to gain access and manipulate the network how they please. 2. Secure Configurations for Hardware and Software on Mobile Devices, Laptops, Workstations and Servers – establishing and ensuring that proper security configurations are always in use on your operating system will keep new devices safe from outside attacks. Updating these configurations on a regular basis will also ensure that all devices connected to the system are properly secure and not an open back door for unauthorized entry. Always conduct updates and implementation of configurations on a secure channel to avoid channel sniffing.

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