Unit 3: Security Protocols Seminar

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Unit 4 Security Protocols Seminar PA 230-1 In the beginning of the seminar the Prof. Chaiacchia was discussing the information that we receive and give is very important to keep secure and confidential. Metadata was also discussed and is data about data. Unless you know how to access the metadata it will not be visible to the person viewing the file. You have to be careful when messing with a document and changing the metadata. The owner of the file will be able to tell if anything has been changed or modified. Metadata is important when it comes to telling when a file has been created as well, it could make or break a case. There are two forms of metadata. The first one is System metadata which is information that it on…show more content…
Security protocols are just protecting systems when it comes to working with other networks, and internet. You used the example of a passcode to get into your e-mail as a security protocol. Network rights and privileges were then talked about. The administrator has the highest privileges and rights. In a law firm two people who normally have administrator access. A password is a form of protection against unauthorized use. You should probably not write down your passwords just in case someone gets a hold of it. There are also setting permissions that add to your security as well. Firewalls are good and help against websites that are illegitimate. It’s also good to have an antivirus on your computer to help protect against people who are trying to hack into your system. Perhaps someone is trying to gain access to your financial information; the antivirus stops them from getting in. Always make sure that when you are checking your e-mail and receive an e-mail with an attachment if you do not know who it is from do not open it. I don’t even open e-mails from people I don’t know whether it has an attachment or not. You can also protect yourself by updating your windows

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