Preventing Stress In College

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Preventing Stress in College High school did not prepare me for collegiate paced learning. There are many areas in which I feel high school failed to prepare me. I was not taught time management skills. I never felt that I was responsible for my own learning. I knew that the teacher would tell me what I needed to know for a test. There was no instruction to teach organizational skills and I had no clue how to take notes or study. Going into college was like being thrown into the deep end of a pool and not knowing how to swim. Learning all of the necessary skills such as time management, organization, and studying creates worries which lead to stress. Time management is an essential skill if you want to be successful in college. Getting a planner will help to manage your activities (Time). Writing every assignment due date, test date, activity, and appointment down in this planner will help you manage your time. Having a planner does not only help you daily, but it helps you organize your weeks and months as well. But having a planner does not guarantee organization or success. You must set aside time to get yourself organized. Decide a time of the week to make sure all relevant data is in your planner. You must determine what you can put off and what is important. This is determined by deciding what you need to do and what you want to do. Knowing the difference between the two will help you prioritize. Sometimes you have to sacrifice enjoyable activities for your future. Managing your time will lead to knowing what’s going on, instead of being unprepared and stressed. Being organized is imperative in college (eHow). The most effective way to organize yourself is by acquiring a planner. The planner will help prioritize, know urgencies, and create a time line for yourself. The planner will also help you remember important dates and events coming up. In order
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