Predictive Policing Essay

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Predictive Policing Scott A. Lorenzen Strayer University Abstract What is Predictive Policing? Defined by the National Institute of Justice “Predictive policing is a way to predict, plan, dissuade possible crimes of occurring using current information with advanced analysis applied to the information to assist those in charge of daily security task.” (NIOJ, para 1). As Information Systems becomes more complex by the hour how authentic is or is not the data provided. Predictive Policing Compare and contrast the application of Information Technology (IT) to optimize police departments’ performance to reduce crime versus random patrols of the streets. Today's police have an advantage over their counterparts of the 60's and 70's with the help of the invention of the computer, new processes, and new calculations being processed. Information stored in some form of database such as business code violations, burglaries, citations, demographics of age of residences, housing appraisals, utilities usage and many others aspects are used to create an educated guess on where police should focus their efforts on deterring crime. When predictive information is used appropriately this can bring about a great change to law enforcement such as was seen in Santa Cruz Police department that used the data to arrest five criminals. However, the adage of “Garbage in Garbage out” comes into play. Typically, a human handles all data entered into a database and there are always clerical mistakes with data entry. Some of the primary error rates found at the University of Hawaii states errors can be as high as 10%. As stated by Ronald Bailey “The accuracy of predictive policing programs depends on the accuracy of the information they are fed.” (“Stopping Crime Before It Starts”, 2012). Therefore, if a crime is not reported or other information has been entered into the database

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