Neither model allows for the “right” or “wrong” method, but simply debates the amount of government involvement, so both are equally important to understand. What role does law enforcement play? Under the crime control model, law enforcement plays a very large role as this model is based on the theory that crime is reduced from more arrests, convictions, and harsher sentencing. This increases the amount of officers in given areas to provide a more “tough on crime” standard of policing. According to Packers theory, the crime control model also leans more toward the idea that the costs associated with providing criminals “rights” are wasteful and would be better applied towards building new prisons and hiring more police officers (Packer, 1968).
Proactive, or preventative, patrol is focused or targeted more on specific hot spots, crime problems, or offenders. The goal of proactive patrol is to detect crimes in progress and deter crime by having a routine police presence (Grant & Terry, 2008). There are a couple different downfalls to policing agencies using one form of patrol over the other. One downfall is that if only one of these patrol styles were adopted, the police would lose some of their discretion. Conditions of an officer’s reaction to certain responds would change (Grant & Terry, 2008).
The primary mission of the due process model is to protect innocent people from wrongful conviction. It is doubtful that many would argue against the fact that we must engage in significant efforts to protect those who may be falsely accused. However, many argue that while the due process model focuses upon the rights of the accused it ignores the rights of victims. due process model does not limit itself to the Fourth Amendment. The police must also consider the individual rights of the accused in respect to many of the individual rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights.
Police Brutality: The Use of Excessive Force Angelice Dollson CRJ–422 Criminal Justice Capstone Robert Jackson March 7, 2011 The police officers are to protect and serve the public and communities’ with their best interest at heart. Members of law enforcement are government officials that impose the laws and preserve order. There are occasions, when the police officers are engaged in a dangerous and stressful call of duty that can involve violent situations that must be controlled. We as citizens value law and order, we do not want to see our streets run by criminals who terrorize people who abide the law and we as citizens created police departments to prevent law and order not to join in with the criminals. We all decide d that police officers should have the ability to use force, but not in all situations.
Functionalist define crime and deviance as functional and necessary to society as a whole, with just the right amount of crime to avoid anomie; normlessness. Durkheim (cited in Haralambos and Holborn: 179) suggests that “societies need both crime and punishment to highlight society’s norms and define moral boundaries” (Haralambos and Holborn 2009). Functionalism strive for what is best for society so as not to strain the current system in place. If too much or too little change was to occur, society would be in a state of anomie, were common values are no longer understood and accepted. Merton (1968) in the study of his ‘American Dream’ theory
Law enforcement agencies today still patrol the streets with the goal to prevent crimes. Public approval and cooperation were the two principals of effective policing. Peel stated that police should perform duties upon public approval and must secure the cooperation of the public in voluntary observance of the law to maintain the public’s respect (Larrabee, A. 2012). Police need to understand the different cultures which can be accomplished by training and education.
A number of researchers have argued that many crime problems can be addressed more efficiently if police officers focus their attention on these deviant places. The appeal of focusing limited resources on a small number of high-activity crime places is straightforward. If crime can be prevented at these problem places, then police will be well positioned to lower citywide crime rates. In Policing Problem Places, Anthony Braga and David Weisburd make the case that hot spots policing is an effective approach to crime prevention that should be engaged by police departments in the United States and other countries. There is a strong and growing body of rigorous scientific evidence that the police can control crime hot spots without simply displacing crime problems to other places.
While the “crime control” model contemplates that, the criminal justice system has an adverse consequence and progressively stops the process of arresting people within the criminal justice system. The “due process model” is demonstrating that a suspect is guilty and is significant to keeping the government under control and protecting the rights of the suspect. The criminal justice system should be expending more financial resources to employ more law enforcement officers instead of building more prisons and rather than expending money, defending the rights of citizens is the thought of the crime control model (Zalman,
“It isn’t feasible to expect a police officer to enforce every law to the letter. The criminal justice system requires officers to have flexibility in dealing with cases since the interest of justice doesn't require all offenders to be punished to the full extent of the law. Officers exercise a large amount of police discretion in dealing with many cases, and it’s important to understand how this works.” The topic that will be discussed in this paper is about police discretion for the class of law enforcement. The areas that will be touch on in this paper is the meaning of words, some myths about discretion, the advantage/ disadvantage about the use of discretion, the positive use of discretion with police officers, some consequences with
They interlock and yet they are viewed very differently majority of police and prosecutors tend to lean more to the crime control because its efforts to be quick and assertive. The due process model is very detailed and makes sure that everyone’s rights are not violated and going through all the steps of the justice system, no matter the cost. The rights that we have as individuals are very important it protects from being wrongfully convicted. Though some want to argue that these rights can interfere with the law doing their job, but without these rights, officers would be able to go around arresting anyone for bad behavior that they felt was wrong not because it is against the law. As a country, these rights were established to protect us from being misrepresented in the eyes of the law.