Playing Games Is Fun Only When You Win

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Obviously games are an important part of person’s education. Since the early childhood children play various games that affect themselves in different ways. Games can teach children to be kinder or to be rude; I think it depends on the psychology of a child. Taking into account these factors, I think games can be fun even in case of losing. Personally for me playing a game is a way to socialize with others. For example while working in Non-Governmental Organizations, I used to participate in various seminars, trainings or even regional meetings with people from other counties. In similar cases the best way to socialize with other participants was to play games. By such games we were learning how to rely on each other, how to cooperate to achieve something. From this point of view by playing a game everyone wins, even if during games someone loses. On the other hand, winning is a good motivator for a person to do something. But no one can win without someone else to lose. Therefore, it is important to educate children not only to win, but also to lose. For instance, when I was a little girl, I used to fight with my sister every time when she was winning a game. My mother used an example of a sportsman to explain how wrong I was. The point was that if everyone wins, there will not be a competition and without competition people will not try new things, discover new ways. So, I should try to do my best to win, but I should continue to play with my little sister even in case of losing. Besides, I could learn new things and win next time. I believe games can be fun in every case. Even if one is losing, he or she can still enjoy the game. Undoubtedly, it is nice when one is winning; however, no one can always
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