Philosophes and the Enlightened Despots

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During the Enlightenment Era the Monarchs around Europe experimented with some of the ideas from the Enlightenment. In most cases the Enlightened Despots did not keep with the values of the Enlightenment. One important example of these Enlightened Despots is King Louis XVI; he taxed the lower class to pay off his father's debts because of the expensive Seven Years War. However, he didn't tax the nobility and this unjust action clashed with the new philosophical views. Another Enlightened Despot was Frederick II of Prussia. He was a very influential leader for Prussia and served his country very well. However, Frederick the Great also came into odds with the philosophes. Frederick II of Prussia and Louis XVI were two of the Enlightened Despots which were at odds with philosophes. King Louis XVI was an Enlightened Despot who ruled from 1774 to 1793. Louis taxed the lower class to pay off his father's debts because of the Seven Years War. Nonetheless, Louis didn't tax the nobility. Louis XVI did not tax the nobility because he inherited the kingdom that way. As a result the debt grew larger and larger. When Louis XVI gained the thrown from Louis XV, he was very active in the foreign policy. His rival was the British King, King George III. Since they were rivals the French wanted France to be more powerful, so Louis XVI aided American colonists in their war for independence so the British would suffer economically and politically. This campaign did weaken Great Britain but it actually put France in even more debt than there was already. More debt lead to more taxes, but the French monarch could not tax the wealth nobility. As a result, "the financial minister, Jacques Necker, attempted to levy taxes on the nobility. That action brought the wrath of the aristocrats, as a result he was forced to dismiss Necker and abandon the new tax in 1781” (“Louis XVI”). As time went
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