French Revolution and English Civil War

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During the mid 17th Century, England was in the middle of civil war with France following soon after in the late 18th Century. As time went on, both countries had separate political powers fighting for control, which lead to numerous conflicts. In England, the government was locked in a struggle for power with Parliament after the monarchy was restored, while France saw their monarchies seeking new taxes on top of a corrupted system. Eventually, both countries experienced a civil war of sorts, each influenced by key political and economic difficulties. In France, the political problems started off with Louis XIV using up the treasury to build the royal palace of Versailles. Louis had absolute power and he didn’t have to ask the parlements for money, which depleted the royal treasury. The Seven Years War was also a major contributor to the royal debt. War was very expensive and Louis spent a ridiculous amount of money on the war to ensure France’s victory. The French’s hatred for the English lead them to help the Americans break free from British rule. When Louis XVI came to power, the country was already in huge debt, and him and his wife, Marie Antoinette, only made it worse by spending money on unnecessary luxuries. As the Revolution drew nearer, the cost of bread, which was a key part of the French diet, was extremely high. The French citizens were outraged and started riots in the streets of Paris. The inefficient tax distribution didn’t help the cause. The peasants of France were being taxed very high amounts while the wealthy and the nobility paid next to nothing. In England, it started with the royal treasury being completely empty because Queen Elizabeth I never called on Parliament to discuss money. The English Parliament held the power of the purse. When Elizabeth’s successor, King James I came to power, the monarchy had no money left. He had to call on
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