The Anti-Federalist Argument Analysis

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After loaning money to the Continental Congress, especially France, America became profoundly in debt. Those that had loaned money to Continental Congress suffered from the excessive inflation America had during the war, this caused the loans to be worthless. Federalist and other members of the first Constitutional Convention were changed after the American Revolution; the change then reorganized the organization of power to be put into the hands of the federal government in place of having states being able to manage their own taxes and laws. Severe economic troubles produced radical economic and political movements, such as Shays’ Rebellion. The monetary schemes of the states brought floods of paper money, which some of the states,…show more content…
The controversy of the argument was on the basis that, “there was an inherent connection between the states and the preservation of individual liberty, which is the end of any legitimate government.” Their own argument have invariably created a national government instead of a federal government. This is because “the federal form, which regards the Union as a confederacy of sovereign states, instead of which, they have framed a national government, which regards the Union as a consolidation of the states.” Anti-federalists were against constructing a new constitution and they agreed that without valid amendments the constitution would give the government too much power. This power would then lead to confusion according to the (Centinel 1787) “ The new constitution instead of being panacea or cure of every grievance so delusively represented by its advocated will be found upon examination like Pandora’s box replete with every…show more content…
A “grand committee” was created with one delegate from each state and Benjamin Franklin was the chairman. The committee decided on an amalgamation of the Virginia and New Jersey plans. They propose The Great Compromise insisted that there would be two houses in the legislative branch of Congress and it would made for both small and large states would have favor in one house or the other. In one house, the House of Representatives, the larger populated states would favor because it was based off of population size. Whereas the Senate favored small states and every state would have equal representation that made states like Virginia and New Jersey equal in this
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