Persuasive Essay On Gay Marriage

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The topic of same-sex marriage, or gay marriage, is extremely divisive in today's society. Many in favor of same-sex marriage suggest that gay couples should have the same marital benefits as heterosexual couples, which is simply a civil rights issue. The issue of same-sex marriage is an argument that all of us have heard, and most of us have strong opinions on. I know very few people that don’t have a preference of legalization or not. Personally, I believe that homosexuals should be granted the same rights as heterosexual couples. As someone said, “marriage is a basic human right. You cannot tell people they cannot fall in love.” While he said this in reference to marriage between races, the same can be said about homosexuals. Who are we to allow some people to get married, and tell others they cannot. As a nation, we have no right to take…show more content…
1:28-29) It is true that everyone is equal under the law. This equality, however, is juridical, not biological. It does not and cannot eliminate the anatomical, physiological and psychological differences between the sexes, which create the conditions for marriage and constitute its natural foundation. Same-sex “marriage” destroys the integrity of true marriage by turning traditional marriage into a species within the marriage genus. This broad marriage genus would supposedly encompass traditional marriage, homosexual or heterosexual unions, and whatever other bizarre new relationships might arise. This new “marriage” genus, however, is not marriage. Marriage is the permanent, sacred bond uniting a man and woman who desire to constitute a family and face life’s trials together. Marriage entails selfless dedication, devotion and sacrifice. Marriage and the family are sacred institutions that foster the common good of society. It has differences between the development of children with same-sex parents and children with heterosexual
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