Personal Narrative: The SAT Study Guide

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Hasnain Waris The SAT study guides teach thousands of high school students a countless amount of words, but if there is any one word that I know more than any other it is adversity. From childhood to my adolescent years, I faced obstacle after obstacle that put me under pressure. And whatever lemons life threw at me, I made lemonade. All these events have put in me the ability to deal with pressure. This is what makes me confident in myself that college will not test my skills, but rather help them shine. I had faced pressure before the start of my junior year in high school. My friends, family and teachers all told me about how hard and important this year was going to be and also that this was the year I had to prepare for the SATs. The…show more content…
We were facing our rivals who had defeated us before by 20 points. The pressure was really high. However, many doubted that we had a chance to win because of how we had lost our last game against them. As a team we wanted to prove them wrong and show them that we were able to win and face the pressure that was ahead of us. We were trading leads back and forth the entire game and the pressure was getting higher with every basket made. We went into half time losing by seven points. When we were preparing ourselves to play the last half, the other team came up to us trash talking and talking about how they were gong to win. That was what really drove us to want to win and prove to them that we were the better team. So we came back in the game motivated and determined to win, we got the game tied up and started to switch leads. However, in the last 3 minutes we were losing by 4 points and the pressure was really high now. We ran a play and I got the ball and scored 3 points. The next play when they had the ball, my teammate stole the ball and passed the ball to me then I scored to bring us back up by 1 point. The last possession was in their hands and the player who I was guarding had the ball. I played the hardest defense I could; I successfully blocked his shot which made us win the championship

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