Personal Narrative: My Response To Sexuality Identity

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My Response to Sexuality Identity Trea Bartilotti PSY265 March 15, 2015 Elizabeth Cole My Response to Sexuality Identity I am certainly not alone when I say growing up in a household who didn’t speak freely about sex or sexuality can make us either late bloomers or early bloomers in regards to sex and sexuality. A perfect example would be that of myself and my younger brother began having sex at 13 years old, where I waited until I was married which was at 20 years old, I even thought that I was rushing it. Outside of that however, the value system in our home was strictly based on religious beliefs. Most of which I couldn’t wait to reach the age when I could decide for myself what values I would adopt and which I would not. For the…show more content…
Their relationship paved the way for me when it came to dating and beyond. Both my parents were virgins when they got married and I have always appreciated that in a sentimental way. By today’s standards, one could consider themselves extremely lucky to find a mate with less than 5 previous intimate relationships and even more-so to find a virgin. Because my parents were each other’s first I believe this had a positive influence on how, when and who I dated. One of my faults growing up and still to this day is being a bit too observant. I say it’s a fault because instantly after observing a red flag I would distance myself, without really evaluating the red flag and if it was something as crucial or intolerable as I once thought. So in short I might have missed…show more content…
I did learn very early in life that a person’s looks can either say everything about that person or nothing at all. In my intimate relationships I can admit that I purposely rejected advancements made by extremely good looking men. Whether it was a personal fear of being used in some way or another or the idea that face value is worthless when you are seeking substance. I have a few friends who stick to their preference of finding a perfect prince in every way while I would say they don’t exist, to my friends, the perfect prince is what they personally perceive a perfect man to be in relation to their relationship needs. Since being married, I have thought quite a bit about how my feelings and perception has changed in what I consider a strong relationship. When you’re younger you have for the most part very unrealistic ideals. Experience and maybe even a little heartache quickly jolt you into reality. My husband has many flaws as do I, however his flaws are some that many years ago I would have considered “red flags” and again distanced myself away from him. Age, maturity and my very own value systems have helped me look past the minute flaws into the qualities I will appreciate until we go full circle in older age and start annoying each other with our annoying senior habits. One of the main things I have

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