Developing as a Critical Thinker

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Shay HUM/111 5/11/14 Developing as a Critical Thinker Part I. A Stage Theory of Critical Thinking Stages of Critical Thinking (Elder & Paul, 1996) Description of Self-Assessment (This is the requirement to move forward.) 2 Potential Obstacles (Try to select 2 different ones from the previous stage if possible.) Stage One: The Unreflective Thinker This thinker is aware of how there thinking is effecting there lives 1. This is a problem because this person may believe there thinking is ok 2. Stage Two: The Challenged Thinker This thinker ask its self many question 1.this think is more likely to avoid there problem more then others 2. Stage Three: The Beginning Thinker This thinker is starting to find things out about themselves 1.this type of thinking will lead to avoiding a problem 2. Stage Four: The Practicing Thinker This thinker is starting to find things out problem in themselves 1. This type of thinking will lead to avoiding a problem 2. Stage Five: The Advanced Thinker This thinker is asking its self the right question 1. This type of thinking will lead to avoiding a problem 2. Stage Six: The Master Thinker This thinker is asking great questions 1. This person limiting them selves 2. Part II. Personal Stage Assessment I believe I am an unreflective thinker because as Elder & Paul, (1996) states this think understands the way they think about thing effect them. I feel like I understand that what I put out is what I get back. So if I put out good this in the world Ill get good thinks back. But in my case I always feel like the something bad is going to happen. Or I am not good enough to do what other can do. This type of thinking leads to the thoughts coming true. And again as Elder & Paul, 1996 states I think is way of thinking are ok because I have been thinking this way for a long time. Part
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