Person Centred Therapy

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For the purpose of this essay I will be focusing on Carl Rogers views on Person Centred Therapy (PCT). Carl Rogers (1980) believed that “Individuals have within themselves vast resources for self-understanding and for altering their self-concepts, basic attitudes, and self-directed behavior; these resources can be tapped if a definable climate of facilitative psychological attitudes can be provided” (p. 115). Rogers (as cited by Joseph, 2003) believed that people need positive regard from our social environment and given this we can develop our self-actualising abilities effectively. This leads us to interpret life accurately, be realistic in our perceptions and trust our own inner being. (Joseph, 2003 p.304) PCT is client directed and doesn’t focus on problems or solutions. The belief in the efficacy of the therapy is that the client given complete acceptance, “prizing” them as unique individuals, will allow them to come to accept and prize themselves allowing self-actualisation to occur (Rogers, 1980, p.117). Self-actualisation in PCT is the idea that through “being” one with the client, with them feeling that they are really being heard and appreciated then they will be able to “listen” to their own inner reference leading them to being more fully whole person (Rogers, 1980, p.117). Core Concepts of PCT Psychological contact between client and counsellor must exist for therapy to take place. Incongruent client, they will be anxious or vulnerable showing discrepancy in actual events and their reality. Empathy describes the ability of the counsellor to connect and understand the client at deep level. Empathy allows the counsellor to get into the unique world of the client without judging or making assumptions about the client. “To sense the client’s private world as if it were your own, but without ever losing the ‘as if’ quality” (Rogers,
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