The qualities and skills that they showed to me our qualities that describe a professional counselor. They can be summarized as patience, because counselors need patience when interacting with clients during sessions. Clients need their time to deal and express their situation or feelings whether they may be negative or positive. I personally know that sometimes it doesn’t matter what you say or how you say something what really matters is the meaning behind it or it can be just need to say something out loud so you can hear it. Empathetic and compassionate because you have to believe in what you’re doing and the client has to know you care and understand their issues or
Abuse victims request help but refuse to understand depths of help they receive. Victims can put therapist in danger by agreeing to the abusers request. The duty to keep the client and therapist safe has compromising influences from the abusers actions. Clients need to understand cutting all contact with abusers can have an effective outcome on treatment and keep individuals safe from abusive
When using a permissive induction the therapist can use lots of metaphors, and as long as the client feels safe you can be a little authoritative too. Permissive inductions work well if the client wants to improve in something whether it’s at work or at a sport, thought you might have to work on self-esteem issues
The aim of Person centered counselling is to increase a person’s feelings of self-worth (self esteem) and reduce the incongruence they have when entering therapy, between the ideal and actual self, and help a person become a 'fully funchioning' person (Rogers 1963) reaching their full potential. Here the person is known as a “client” who is valued and respected as an individual and is not labled or diagnosed, it is non directive and allows the client to lead themselves towards development, to actively solve their own problems and at their own pace. It believes in conscious acts and helps to encourage people to think about their feelings and encourage responsibility for their actions in terms of values and lifes meanings, focusing on bringing feelings and emotions into the present and dealing with them. It focuses more on the here and now rather then the past, as this was seen as more useful. However the past is sometimes looked into, gaining insight into how it effects the present.
This environment could be achieved when being in a relationship with a person who was very understanding, accepting and genuine. Risk taking can be part of a person centred approach as we would choose to use positive and informed risk taking which would involve building a positive view of the individual, and seeking to learn what a persons skills are and what people like about them. In person centred thinking we also explore the consequences of not taking the risk so that these may be balanced against the consequences of taking the risk. Using an individuals care plan contributes to working in a person centred way as this would be constructed by the client with the support of the care worker so that the client has full control, instead of the support plan being made by the care worker so the client feels as if they have no control of their recovery. Work in a person centred way In order to find out the history, preferences, wishes and needs of an individual I would refer to any previous files held with regards to that person, as well as discussing directly with the client what the preferenes etc.
By using a client-centered therapy a therapist could help a patient realize their true potential and that they are not worthless. Bringing a person with dysthymic disorder to a self-actualization of who they are would give them the confidence and structure that they need. Sure a psychodynamic approach might help someone deal with an issue from their past, a humanistic approach would help someone deal with what is happening in their life right now. A combination of the two approaches would prove to be beneficial to any dysthymic patient along with medications that can target certain symptoms. In Marla’s case, we know that she is having trouble sleeping at night and feeling jumpy all of the time along with an inability to concentrate.
And in addition the client may tell us themselves, information which we may deem risky to the clients or others lives. All information should remain confidential, and if the therapist breaches this, then they are likely to be sued. However if the life of the person is at risk or society as a whole then we may deem it necessary to breach confidentiality, however there is no consensus on what is deemed as harmful, and we would need to follow our governing body such as the BACP or Hypnotherapy society guidelines on how to deal with this. In most cases if you feel confidentiality has to be breached you should inform your client, as to the reasons why, this should be discussed in the initial consultation how and when you would do this, so you have an agreement before you start
Respecting the right for the client to be self governing - Autonomous. Ref: “Ethical Framework for Good Practice in Counselling & Psychotherapy” It’s not as easy as it sounds since the therapeutic relationship over time can become quite intimate. “Non-maleficence - a commitment to avoiding harm to the client.” “Ethical Framework for Good Practice in Counselling and
Individual can become self sufficient and positive and they may also learn how to cope with stress, with the help of a human service profession. The Human Service worker provide productive manner to those for those who are in need of comfort and help in overcoming difficult barriers that occur in their everyday lives. A person that is providing these special services do not realize what a role the play in an individual life , when a person in need feel that that sense of love , security they are more porn to open up and let their guard down and accept help without difficulties. Individuals who have needs can obtain a sense of openness, wiliness; maintain a productive life style, and self sufficiency with the support and encouragement from a Human Service
Also the service provider is needed to have empathy and know how to sympathise with the client. Also the counsellor must engage a healthy relationship with the client and enable the client to trust the counsellor and be able to talk openly without and judgments being