Process Report of a Client Centred Therapy Session Reflection and Literature Review

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Process Report of a Client Centred Therapy Session Reflection and Literature Review Gina Enache-Raw PS 4002 - Humanistic Approach and Skills Abstract The purpose of this process report is to critically evaluate my sensitivity within the counselling process and to assess my awareness of what was occurring within the therapy as this allows me to explore areas that have potential for further development and to increase my understanding of a humanistic framework. I will attempt to inform the reader about my interactions with the client and explain how I have made sense of the therapeutic process and what I have learned from the experience. One of the main reasons for choosing this particular session was because I have previously worked with the client and there were certain issues worth exploring from both, mine and client’s perspective. For example, as the reader will see from the excerpt the client spoke about issues within her family and I have considered this to be of a particular interest from both personal and multi-cultural perspectives. Process Report of a Client Centred Therapy Session Reflection and Literature Review "It is that the individual has within himself or herself vast resources for self-understanding, for altering his or her self-concept, attitudes and self-directed behavior - and that these resources can be tapped if only a definable climate of facilitative psychological attitudes can be provided." (Rogers, 1986, cited in The Carl Rogers Reader by Kirschenbaum & Henderson, 1989, p.135) This process report is an assignment for the Humanistic Approach module required as evidence that students have acquired the skills and understood how to work with clients from a humanistic perspective. The humanistic approach evolved in the United States in 1950s and it was proposed by Carl Rogers who proposed that “therapy could be simpler,

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