Person-Centred Approaches Essay

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oUnderstand the principles and practice of person-centred thinking, planning and reviews 1.1 Person-centred thinking is taking or considering the individual as being at the centre of the whole process. The individual is involved in the whole process from start to finish. For example an individual will be asked which people are important to them family and friends will form a circle of support for the individual, this will help to enable an individual feel part of the process. Part of the process will be to have regular reviews again the individual will be part of the process and have creative input into any changes that need to be made to the circle of support, at all times it is very important to take into account an individual’s feelings and aspirations. It is also important to ensure the safeguarding of the individual at all times. 1.2 The benefits of using person-centred thinking with individuals are the individual is always at the centre of the process. The individual will be supported in making informed choices for example being involved in the community by attending friendship groups. This will enable an individual to maintain friendships with people that are part of their circle of support. Good progress can help an individual decide what activities that they would like to participate in. Over time an individual’s self-esteem maybe higher this should encourage an individual to maintain their independence enabling them with the right support make important decisions for the future. 1.3 The beliefs and values on which person-centred thinking and planning is based on a set of beliefs and values, concerning people with disabilities, services and communities. Person centred planning is rooted in the belief that people with disabilities are entitled to the same rights and choices as other members of society. Traditionally, services have gathered people with the

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