It’s beneficial as there are male and female role models available for the children, and it gives the parents more control of how their children are brought up. Another strength is that there’s less interference from wider family members however this can also be seen as a negative aspect, as other people are unaware of what’s happening and if there was any problems within the family and therefore it’s difficult to identify neglect. This also makes it difficult to seek professional help outside of the family. Another disadvantage of this privatised nuclear family is that children are only exposed to one set of values and so are influenced to become like their parents in the future as they have no exposure to other behaviours of different families. A criticism of this
These parents often resort to gift giving and even outright bribery, rather than setting boundaries and expecting obedience. The parent wants to be more of a friend than a parent. According to Dr. Phil McGraw (2009), children need boundaries and rules to learn right from wrong. “It is your job to be a parent not a friend to your child.”
Parents who are authoritarian do not expect their children to question why they say the things they say. They are very into social status, and obedience in their children. They like for their children to have a structured environment, providing minimal emotional support towards their offspring. Children who come from a house with authoritarian parents tend to be average in school and show no signs of problem behaviors. These children, however, have poor social skills, and show signs of low self-esteem, while having high levels of depression (Partner, 2009).
An Effective Parenting Styles Being a parent can be one of the most difficult jobs a person will ever have. It may be especially challenging when the child is in their adolescent years. Most parents want their children to become independent, productive and able to cope with the world. The older methods of parenting do not work in today's society. Teenagers, like everyone else, want to be treated with respect and seen as individuals with there own ideas.
Often these children act out in aggressive ways outside the home but are fearful inside the home. They tend to have a low self-esteem, poor self discipline and unequal regard for other people. They tend to be poor judges of character, less able socially, and often rebel against authority figures when they are older. The next type of parenting is the permissive style of parenting. These parents are sometimes called the indulgent parents.
Factors that rise biologically could mean that it cannot be helped if it is genetically based. If the parents had behavioral issues as a child then the children who are born to these parents cannot help their situation. Family factors suggest that children can develop these actions if they do not live in a loving and caring environment. It is another fact that the children have no control over what goes on in the home. If the child is being mistreated then it could cause them to act out when around and out among society.
This can be damaging to a child because they feel as though one parent is paying the other to keep them. This is usually interpreted negatively. No matter how bad the situation is, if the child is not exposed to the financial distress of the parents, they will not be affected. Children that have no contact with one of their parents, usually suffer the most. Children whose parents divorce will be more likely to be isolated and antisocial than sociable and integrate.
and may have some potentially long term effects such as increasing the misbehavior, aggression, violent or criminal behavior, impaired learning, depression, and in worst case suicide. The items that are cited here are very alarming and they express the concern that spanking is more than just a punishment. As said before spanking "is the least effective way to discipline" a child for two reasons; both reasons teach the child nothing about the difference between right and wrong. The first fact is that spanking confuses the child. The reason that spanking confuses them is simply this; parents are the example of the difference between right and wrong and all spanking is doing is telling the child is that every time somebody does something wrong they should be smacked for the mistake they made.
A child treated this way learns to see themselves as unlovable and others as rejecting, and they tend to be apprehensive about relationships. A dismissive attachment style is one in which a parent/caregiver is disinterested in, rejects or abuses a child. Children who develop this style do not accept a parent's view of them as unlovable, unlike a fearful attachment. They think others are untrustworthy and they will develop a positive view of themselves, but have a low regard for others and relationships. An anxious/ambivalent style is more complex because it is fostered by inconsistent treatment by the parent/caregiver.
Family Systems and how they function Tony Newsome Dr. Pamela Todd September 11, 2014 Introduction Family Systems and Healthy Development beings with parenting and how parents raise their children. In this essay, I will discuss how one can discern a healthy family system, what are the determining factors that distinguish healthy systems, the effects of an unhealthy family system on development, and how family systems affect physical (neural), emotional, spiritual, and social development. Parents are the ones who mold and shape their children whether it is being an authoritarian/military style approach or permissive, a more laid back approach. Children who have parents barking orders at them all the time will either revel or will clam up like a robot and will not be able to interact sociably with others. Permissive parents have children who, in many ways, share the undesirable characteristics of children of authoritarian parents.