PSY 211 Personality Theories

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Running head: Personality Theories Personality Theories PSY/211 Personality Theories The existence of personality theories correspond to how scholars analyze and assess the development of human identity and behavior. Each viewpoint provides a specific understanding of what cultivates personality and the corresponding factors that influence such behavior. One way to analyze personality is through the lens of psychoanalytic theory. The main argument of this theory is that problems or issues pertaining to psychology can be rooted to one’s unconscious (McLeod, 2007). Specifically, the problems are influenced by latent issues surfacing in the conscious mind. To approach this, psychoanalysts believe that…show more content…
The main thrust of this perspective is that people respond and demonstrate behavior from observing people in their environment (Engler, 2008). Likewise, the model also considers other factors that allow individuals to perform according to specific functions. Specifically, the interplay of behavioral, cognitive, and environmental factors provide the continued human development. A key component that promotes social learning theory is the process of modeling. In particular, modeling is complemented through the application of attention, retention, reproduction, and motivation (Engler, 2008). The theorists attributed for the development of social learning theory is Albert Bandura. Through his work, the theory developed from pointing as environment as the sole instrument to shaping behavior through the collaboration of other factors such as cognitive and behavioral factors. The interaction of the three elements provides the necessary process to advance social learning and personality…show more content…
From this assumption, the development of numerous models is to provide various ways to study personality and consider factors for application on various settings. One example of an assessment model is the Myers Biggs Type Indicator (MBTI). The purpose of this approach is to categorize individuals according to the different personality types provided by psychologists Carl Jung (Business, 2006). Among key indicators considered in this evaluation consider behavioral preferences and careful understanding of personal strengths and weaknesses. The component of this method is the ability to pair specific traits that comprise of (1) extraversion or introversion, (2) sensing or intuition, (3) thinking or feeling, and (4) judging or perceiving (Engler,
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