Nvq Care Plan

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qHSC328 Contribute to care planning and review The care planning process is never truly completed until the patient/resident is discharged from the current care setting or is deceased. The care plan needs to be fluid and changeable, as patient/resident status changes. Periodic scheduled re-evaluation must take place, with changes being made as needed. Unscheduled updates should also be made as condition warrants. When a problem has resolved, that problem can be completed. If the person has had a major change in a problem area that result in changes in goals and approaches, it may be easiest to resolve the problem and enter an entirely new problem, goal(s) and approaches, rather than making many changes to the existing problem. Remember that the ultimate purpose of the care plan is to guide all who are involved in the care of this person to provide the appropriate treatment in order to ensure the optimal outcome during his/her stay in our healthcare setting. A caregiver unfamiliar with the patient/resident should be able to find all the information needed to care for this person in the care plan. Service users by law are allowed to access their records - Data Protection Act 1998 & Freedom of Information Act 2000, therefore clients should be allowed to read information and contribute to the development, review of their care plans. Sharing information with others: Service users need to know who you need to share their information with and why. Their consent is important or else the confidentiality policy will be breached, but in cases where if information is withheld it could put the individual at risk then information needs to be passed on. You should support service users to exercise their right by giving them adequate information about the policies of the care agency or the care home you work with and support the individuals to access other
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