Total Care Nursing

1650 Words7 Pages
By: Kimberly R. Patton Strategies for the Professional Final power point


This paper is being written as my final exam for Strategies for the Professional. I will discuss what Total Care Nursing is and my position on it. All though I am open minded to as to why such a thing is coming into play, I strongly believe that this new way of nursing will not be very beneficial and the patient will suffer the most. I do believe that the way nursing roles are performed now is ideal and it works. If any changes need be made to better the care that patients receive it should done by enforcing more supervision. There should be more supervision to assure that proper care is being given by all nursing staff and not half done. We should, as healthcare professionals, at all times provide the best care as we possibly can. One way to stay atop of this is by envisioning the patient as our own grandmother, sister, cousin, aunt or any other family member.

Total Care Nursing is or can be very stressful on the patient and their family members as well as the nurse. A nurse carries many responsibilities in an 8-12 hour shift. From being at the doctors beck and call to the patients beck and call, unexpected new issues and documenting it all is very stressful. If only we could be in more than one place. Well by having an assistant you sort of can. You have a patient calling for help, one short of breath, another who’s meds are due, not to mention a new admit has arrived. Imagine doing all these things with no assistance. This is what is considered total nursing care. I will discuss what total care nursing is, how it affects the patient and the nurse and their families. I will give
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