Concept of Person Centered Care

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------------------------------------------------- A presentation explaining how person centered care can be applied to a person with reduced mobility Also including how the multi disciplinary team promotes independence in practice Information document 2014 Lorraine Smith No: 13565 Student 1/16/2014 What is the Concept of Person Centred Care The concept of person centred care within a community care setting involves shared decision making is a combined process in which patients are supported by their healthcare professional. To choose which of the available options they wish to decide on. They are informed by their beliefs, personal construction of their lives, which includes their age, family and social relationships etc. Patients rely on their doctor or healthcare professional to make decisions about their care, so patients are given information and then left to make their own choices. The Health Foundation 2014 suggests that more person centred care is needed, so that people are supported to make informed decisions about managing their own health and care. In order for this to happen changes in behaviour and mindset from patients and clinicians supported by a service that has patients at the heart of it. Any decision point along the patient’s plan of care it is particularly relevant where practical options and choices are made available, including the choice to do nothing. Rationality needs to be understood in both the individual's goals and effectiveness of the intervention. To be effective, shared decision making requires: to play an active role in decisions about their care. Applying this to a community care setting with a service user who had a stroke, his mobility was quite impaired had full capacity to express his needs and wishes. Full filling the care plan was difficult even though there was an electronic stand aid in place, a turn

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