Facilitate Person Centred Assessment

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Facilitate person centered assessment, planning, implementation and review 1.1: Explain the importance of a holistic approach to assessment and planning of care and support. The holistic approach is paramount in driving forward the way service users are assessed and implementing the planning for a robust care and support package. Firstly we need to look at what the holistic approach is. The word holistic derives from ‘Holism’ which translated means to look at the whole person. So the holistic approach rather than focusing on a specific problem area, e.g. (angina) would take into account all aspects that affect an individual. These aspects can be broken down into five key areas as follows. * Social – This could be the relationship an individual has with someone/group or identify that individual is isolated/ lonely or maybe is a loner and prefers to be on own. * Environmental – This ranges from where the person lives or is currently located, financial status, access to transportation, nearby health and shopping facilities. * Physical – This could be any adverse health conditions/disabilities an individual may have. Assessment would ascertain all these. * Psychological – This would highlight what is going on in their head. E.g. Are they in good spirits/sad. Do they feel they are being treated fairly with dignity and respect? * Spiritual – Understanding if an individual had an affinity with a certain faith/religion. Getting to know the individual and where they feel they stand in life. As you can see that rather than focusing on the specific problem area identified, e.g. (angina) The individual is looked at in every aspect. This helps in ascertaining the needs of the individual more clearly and also highlights any additional areas that may need to be examined/discussed further. This approach is now becoming more main stream in the health

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