Noise Polution Essay

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I. How to Reduce Noise Pollution: 1) Limit the Noise: The first line of defense against noise pollution is to control the environment around us and limit the noise that enters our space. Some ways to reduce the noise around us are: i) Make the glass of windows two times thicker and use some heavy curtains. A person can also add insulation to his house if he lives in an extremely noisy city or near an airport. ii) Turn the T.V off because it can cause distraction and works as a potential stressor. 2) Reduce the Noise: Any person must know a disturbing sound and work on reducing it to limit its bad effects on life as a whole. Some ways to reduce high noises are: i) Get away from using machinery and use hand tools whenever possible. ii) Switch off the equipment if not in use and complete your work as quickly as possible. iii) Do not use car horn except in emergencies. Noise pollution II. Definition: Noise is regarded as a loud unwanted or unpleasant sound that disturbs normal progress of a person's life. Noise may also disrupt humans' or even animals' happiness. III. Sources of Noise: Transportation systems are the most worldwide noise sources including aircrafts and railroads. Other noise sources are factory machinery, construction work, appliances, and power tools. IV. Effects of Noise pollution: 1) On humans: An unwanted sound can damage physiological and psychological health. Noise pollution causes aggression, high stress levels, hearing loss, and other harmful effects. Furthermore, stress and hypertension cause many health problems. This all may lead to a severe depression and panic attacks. The mechanism of chronic exposure to high sounds causes hearing loss; it can also cause the person not to hear a sound of this frequency in the future. However, loud noise of high frequency has bad effects along the entire range of
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