Analyse The Factors Which May Be Identified In Relation To Identified Hazard Risk

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For my risk assessment, I went to the local park in order to observe what hazards were present there. I am going to assess the hazards that I identified in this specific setting as well as make recommendations in relation to the identified hazards to minimise the risks to the service user group. The first hazard that I acknowledged in the park was litter, more specifically, an empty sandwich box. The reason for why litter can be a hazard is because individuals could trip over it and evidently, fall which could result in them seriously injuring themselves. For the litter that I acknowledged (sandwich box), there may have been something hazardous present within it, for instance: a small piece of glass. This would evidently be exceedingly dangerous as an individual may not be aware that it is present in there. This could then lead onto them not only cutting themselves, but possibly even causing serious damage/injury to them as even a small piece of glass is very sharp. The way in which this hazard could be decreased in order to minimise the risks is by picking it up and throwing it into the…show more content…
This hazard is not only hazardous to young service users, but also, elder service users as well. The way in which it could be hazardous to young service users is that they may pick this piece of glass up due to evidently not being aware of the dangers it could cause. As a result of this, it is highly likely that they will cut themselves. Some young children may even place it into their mouth which is evidently highly hazardous as it could lead onto more serious injury. The way in which it could be a hazard to elder service users from Peace Haven House is that they may be partially visually impaired which would evidently result in them not being able to notice it. This could thus result in them tripping over it and injuring themselves regardless of it being really
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