Assess the Likely Immediate Effects of Two Different Forms of Abuse on the Health and Wellbeing of Adults and Evaluate the Potential Long Term Effects of These Two Types of Abuse on the Health and Wellbeing of Adults

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Assess the likely immediate effects of two different forms of abuse on the health and wellbeing of adults and Evaluate the potential long term effects of these two types of abuse on the health and wellbeing of adults (M1 + D1) I am going to assess and evaluate the long term and short term effects of two types of abuse, they will be Physical and Sexual. Effects are the result of, outcome or impact of something. Immediate effects are straight away/now/instant whereas long-term effects are continuous/ongoing/consistent. Short term effects of Physical abuse are broken bones, bruises, scolds, suspicious bruising - face, head, chest, back, arms, genatalia, thighs, backs of legs and buttocks. Also if the person is hospitalised or needs surgery, poisoned from wrong medication, shock and disbelief. If someone is being physically abused then the effects are going to be mainly physical, such as bruising and cuts. There are also Long term effects. Abuse is a major source of stress and can have long-term effects on the health and well-being of older adults. The stress of abuse could trigger chest pain or angina, and may be a factor in other serious heart problems. High blood pressure, breathing problems, stomach problems (ulcers), and panic attacks are common stress-related symptoms among older people who experience abuse. Other long term effects could be a loss of mobility, depression, anxiety, changes in behaviour, behavioural issues and negative relationships. Many adults experiencing abuse are isolated. Individuals who abuse adults often threaten, harass, or intimidate them. For example, some abusers threaten to not let the elderly adults see their grandchildren. Others may prevent older adults from having visitors, or may threaten to leave them alone. They often feel shame, guilt, or embarrassment that someone in the family or someone close has harmed them. The

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